The SJRC has numerous committees that you can get involved with. These are great ways to get involved in the Club and lend a helping hand. You may sign up for the Committees by contacting the chairperson or the office.
- Bar Committee Chair: Bev Kessler
- BBQ Committee Chair: Jeff Chaney
- Beautification Committee Chair: Jeff Wagner - Maintain and improve specific areas of club grounds
- Building Committee Chair: Paul Lee - Assist members with building permits
- By Laws and Resolutions Committee Chair: Carol Waldon - Review / draft proposed Bylaws and Resolutions
- Campground Committee Chair: Michelle Pyatt - Manage and coordinate events for our campground
- Car Show Committee Chair: Carol McConnell - Coordinate our annual car show
- Clubhouse Security Committee Chair: Darla Garner - Unlock/lock clubhouse & inspect after venue rentals
- Community Garden Committee Chair: Debbie Lebanik - Establish and maintain garden area in the club
- Derelict Homesite Chair: OPEN POSITION - Report homesites that are in violation of our rules to the Board
- Election Committee Chair: Trevia Coleman - Manage club elections
- Emergency Action Committee Chair: Dan Diviney - Create and maintain a plan of action for emergencies
- Enforcement Committee Chair: Gary Boswell
- Entertainment Committee Chair: Judy Haskins - Planning and arranging of club events
- Finance Committee Chair: Jeff Chaney - Meet monthly to oversee club accounts
- Grounds Committee Chair: Jeff Wagner - Authorizes tree/shrub removal on member sites
- Insurance Committee Chair: Barbara Peck - Research insurance needs for club
- IT Committee Chair: Christy Williams - Assist with the Club technology needs (i.e.; website, Facebook)
- Lakes and Fish Committee Chair: Susie Gardener - Maintenance and upkeep of our lakes and fundraisers
- Lakeside Chapel Chair: Patty Diviney - Coordinate church activities with the board
- Laundry Committee Chair: Jeff Cheney
- Maintenance Committee Chair: Tod Gardener
- Membership Committee Chair: Bev Kessler - Meet monthly to interview/advise on member applicants
- Memorial Committee Chair: OPEN POSITION - Honor members who have passed away
- Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair: OPEN POSITION - Watch for and report suspicious activity in our Club
- Newsletter Committee Chair: Paula Riddle - Publish Club newsletter
- Office Committee Chair: Leslee Lee - Assist with office projects
- Island Committee Chair: Tod Gardner
- River Committee Chair: Dale Fitzmorris - Oversee and report boonie and levee area issues
- Roads Committee Chair: Colleen Minnis - Assist in the upkeep of club roads
- Venue Committee Chair: Patty Diviney - Coordinate rental of the venues for special events
- Water and Wells Committee Chair: Dan Diviney - Assist with water notifications & government compliance
- Wednesday Nighters Committee Chair: Trevia Coleman - Set up and manage BINGO nights
- Youth Group Committee Chair: Christy Williams - Events for our SJRC Youth